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This is the time of year I normally update the Discover Texas History program–checking links, adding new information, etc.–so it will be fresh and up-to-date for you at the start of your new school year.

But this year is a little different…

We created Discover Texas 25 years ago this year, and we think that’s worth celebrating!
For 25 years we’ve been proud to offer Texas homeschool families a history ADVENTURE–a guided unit study with all the factual information (narratives, audio assist, curated web links, videos…) presented with a wide assortment of integrated learning activities (learning challenges, projects, higher-level thinking questions, field trips, etc.) to help students experience, firsthand, what happened and why it matters.

To celebrate, I’ve added music to our introduction splash-page, updated many of our graphics, and created some new pages. I’m especially excited about our Young Heroes of Texas feature highlighting how children and teens the ages of your students impacted Texas History in meaningful ways.

The first several volumes are loaded now, and the rest will be completed within about a week.

Come see what’s new!

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