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There are times in your life when you KNOW you are witnessing history.

Even though I was just a little girl, I knew July 20, 1969 was a day I would always remember.

My family was vacationing on the shore of Lake Superior. Earlier that day, a little boy came running down the beach inviting others to his family’s cabin. The moon landing would be televised that night, and his father had brought a small black-and-white television.

Here is what we saw:

My grandmother sat next to me on the sofa, watching with her mouth open in amazement.

I asked her what she was thinking. Here’s what she said:

“When I was five, my father ran next door to ask our neighbor if he could use her telephone. She was the only one we knew who had one. He called the doctor and asked him to grab his medical bag, hitch his horse to his wagon, and come quickly to our house. My mother was going to have baby.
“Now just 65 years later, I’ve watched men fly to the moon in a rocket ship. They got out and walked around, and they sent moving pictures and voice messages back to Earth…without wires or phones.”
Then she looked at me and said, “I wonder what you will see by the time you’re my age!”

[For bonus points: The first word spoken from the moon was “Houston”…as in Houston, Texas. 😉 ]

I’m not her age yet, but there have been many moments I knew history was being made and remembered that I was there to see it.

What historic moments will YOU always remember?

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