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Answer: Because people don’t BUY products.



They buy RESULTS.

That’s important for homeschool curriculum providers to remember.

It’s important for homeschool parents to think about, too.

If you were just looking for a “read-the-chapter-and-take-the-test” style education your kid could do on their own, there are plenty of options.

Your child might or might not enjoy learning, and they might or might not remember what they learned any longer than it takes them to get through the test (much less understand why it mattered or how it connects to their lives today), but after they’ve slogged through the process, you could check off that box as “done.”

…but that doesn’t sound like why you decided to homeschool, does it?

That’s why, when we designed Discover Texas, it was critical for us to realize that most parents don’t care two figs about our “features.”

If you’re like most homeschool parents, what you’re looking for is:

  • a solution–a curriculum that teaches thoroughly without boring your kids half to death,
  • an experience–a learning adventure your family can enjoy together,
  • and results–an experience your children will understand, remember, and grow from.

So when families make the decision to purchase our Discover Texas history adventure, they’re not just buying a homeschool curriculum.

They’re investing in an experience that will help their children understand the unfolding story of the past so they can learn to make wise and deliberate choices for the future.

Are YOU ready to join the adventure?


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