Some of you may know that I write fiction as well as history curriculum.
I mean, when you study history you run across so many fascinating stories, how could I not?
Last spring I had the opportunity to drive fellow historical fiction writer Gail Kittleson through the Texas Hill Country as she finalized the research on her latest novel, Land That I Love. Then in January I got to chauffeur her again as she launched her book (which is wonderful, by the way). At each town we stopped in, people shared stories of their local and family history.
We were so impressed with the amazing tapestry of cultures and events of the Hill Country.
We also noticed how pleased people were to have parts of their history recorded so that others can enjoy and learn from it.
As we drove, we got to thinking…what if we worked together to write a book containing stories collected from all over the Texas Hill Country, each showcasing a different town and different eras? We decided to make the book available in time for Christmas so folks would have time to read…and enjoy it and maybe buy one to send to friends or family. We invited three other authors to submit stories of their own, and here it is! A Hill Country Christmas-Hope for Hardscrabble Times.
Because this is historical fiction, the stories are all based on actual times and events. Some tell of hard times, but this is inspirational fiction so they all contain a message of hope.
Here’s what our first reviewer had to say:
“I love this book and am delighting in each of the beautifully written stories. The stories ring true and honest, gentle and real.
Laurie Cockerell, Author and Texas Historian
I was drawn into a warm kitchen, delighted with a character’s blooming romance, and grieved with another character’s loss. These timeless stories remind us of what is essential in life–and as the old saying goes, it is invisible to the eyes.
The Christmas setting is perfect, as goodwill, love, and endurance through hardship weave the stories in this anthology into a heartwarming gift for the reader.”
Gold Medallion Winner: Will Rogers Medallion Award
Finalist: Western Writers of America Spur Award
The book launches October 1, 2022 but you can pre-order the e-book version now, if you like.
Gail and I will be doing a launch tour in 17 Hill Country towns. You can download a map of story locations and our schedule here. If you come to one of the events, come by so I can shake your hand!