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People with natural body awareness and coordination may not even be aware of their gift. It’s easy to take for granted and easy to overlook since we don’t typically “test” physical prowess like we do other school subjects, but those of us who lack those skills can assure you they don’t come naturally to everyone! Physical “geniuses” have natural grace, flexibility, balance, strength and/or speed. They use their bodies to express ideas and may communicate best with touch and gesture.


To help your physical genius build on their natural gifts, give them tactile experiences from an early age.

As they grow, give them as many opportunities as you can to learn in motion. Unit studies will capitalize on their preference for hands-on learning.

Give them opportunities to build and create on large and small scales.

Let them engage in dramatic role play.

And above all, let them engage in sports, games, and physical activity. For someone who’s “all about physical activity”, sitting still and quiet in a chair for eight hours can feel like torture.

“The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure.” 😉

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